MMO/Ti Flexible anode

MMO/Ti Flexible anode

The MMO/Ti Flexible Anode is a highly efficient and reliable product used in various industrial applications for cathodic protection. It is designed to protect metal structures and prevent corrosion by providing a low-resistance path for electric current.

What is MMO/Ti Flexible anode?

The MMO/Ti Flexible Anode is a highly efficient and reliable product used in various industrial applications for cathodic protection. It is designed to protect metal structures and prevent corrosion by providing a low-resistance path for electric current.

Working Principle and Chemical Performance

This anode operates based on the principle of impressed current cathodic protection. It consists of a titanium substrate coated with a mixed metal oxide (MMO) catalyst, which enables the release of oxygen and chloride ions when connected to a direct current (DC) power source. The MMO coating ensures a long lifespan and excellent chemical stability, even in aggressive environments.

System Components and Detailed Structure

The MMO Ti Flexible Anode comprises a titanium substrate, an MMO coating, and a connection cable. The titanium substrate provides mechanical strength and flexibility, while the MMO coating ensures high electrochemical performance. The connection cable allows easy integration into the cathodic protection system. The anode is flexible, allowing it to conform to various shapes and sizes of structures.

Characteristics and Performance Parameters

Key features and performance parameters of the MMO/Ti Flexible Anode include:

  • High catalytic activity

  • Wide operating temperature range (-10°C to 80°C)

  • Long service life (20+ years)

  • Low resistance and high current output

  • Excellent chemical stability

  • Flexible and easy installation

Notable Features and Advantages:

The MMO/Ti Flexible Anode system consists of the following components:

  • Titanium substrate

  • MMO coating

  • Connection cable

The MMO/Ti Flexible Anode offers several distinctive advantages:

  • Cost-effective solution for long-term corrosion protection

  • The high catalytic activity ensures efficient performance

  • Flexible and adaptable to various structures

  • Easy to install and integrate into existing systems

  • Long service life and excellent chemical stability

MMO/Ti Flexible Anode Applications

MMO/Ti (Mixed Metal Oxide coated Titanium) Flexible Anodes are ideal for specialized cathodic protection applications, particularly in situations where high resistance regions or pipelines with damaged coatings need corrosion mitigation. Additionally, they are well-suited for impressed current cathodic protection of large storage tank floors. Here are more details on their applications:

  1. High-Resistance Regions: MMO/Ti Flexible Anodes are especially effective in providing cathodic protection to high-resistance areas in pipelines and underground structures. When portions of pipelines or structures have damaged or deteriorated coatings, these anodes are installed to ensure uniform corrosion protection, even in challenging conditions.

  2. Pipelines: In the oil and gas industry and other sectors that rely on extensive pipeline networks, damaged coating can occur over time. They are employed to protect vulnerable sections of pipelines, preventing corrosion and extending the operational life of the pipelines.

  3. Storage Tank Floors: Large storage tanks used for various liquids, such as petroleum products or chemicals, are subjected to potential corrosion on their floors. They are utilized in impressed current cathodic protection systems to safeguard these tank floors, reducing maintenance and repair costs while ensuring the integrity of the tank's structure.

  4. Industrial Infrastructure: they are commonly used in various industrial applications where damaged coatings or high-resistance regions pose a corrosion risk. This includes protecting equipment, structures, and infrastructure components exposed to aggressive chemicals or harsh environmental conditions.

  5. Marine and Offshore Structures: In marine environments, the damaged or deteriorated coatings on offshore platforms or piers can create corrosion concerns. They are applied to these structures, ensuring reliable cathodic protection against the corrosive effects of seawater.

  6. Rehabilitation Projects: During infrastructure rehabilitation projects, MMO Flexible Anodes are used to address localized corrosion issues. They are a valuable tool for extending the service life of aging structures and avoiding the need for extensive replacements.

  7. Water and Wastewater Systems: In water treatment facilities and sewer systems, they are employed for the corrosion protection of pipelines and tanks. They are particularly useful in areas where the coating may have deteriorated or in high-resistance zones.

  8. Environmental Remediation: These anodes can be utilized in soil and groundwater remediation projects to mitigate corrosion issues and protect electrodes used in electrochemical treatment processes.

  9. Construction and Infrastructure Development: They are applied during the construction phase of infrastructure development to ensure long-term protection of newly installed structures and pipelines.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can the MMO/Ti Flexible Anode be customized for specific dimensions?

Yes, we offer customization services to meet specific project requirements. Please contact us for further details.

2. What is the expected service life of the anode?

It has a service life of 20+ years, ensuring long-term corrosion protection.

3. Can the anode be used in high-temperature environments?

Yes, the anode is designed to operate in a wide temperature range (-10°C to 80°C) and can withstand high temperatures.

If you are currently selecting an MMO/Ti Flexible Anode for your project, please feel free to contact us at TJNE is a professional manufacturer and supplier of MMO/Ti Flexible Anodes, offering excellent technical expertise, comprehensive after-sales service, complete certification, fast delivery, secure packaging, and support for testing.