Electrolytic Copper Foil Equipment System is produced through an electroplating process involving the deposition of copper onto a conductive substrate. The equipment system for manufacturing electrolytic copper foil typically includes several key components:
Electroplating Tanks: These tanks contain the electrolyte solution (usually a copper sulfate solution) where the electroplating process occurs. The substrate material, often a thin sheet of metal, is immersed in this solution.
Power Supply: A direct current (DC) power supply is used to provide the electrical current necessary for the electroplating process. It's connected to the anode (usually made of pure copper) and the cathode (the substrate to be plated).
Anode and Cathode: The anode is the source of copper ions in the electrolyte solution, and it dissolves as copper is deposited onto the cathode (the substrate material). The cathode can be a rotating drum or a continuous strip that collects the deposited copper. Control Systems: These systems monitor and control various parameters such as voltage, current density, temperature, and agitation within the plating tanks. They ensure precise and consistent plating conditions, which are critical for high-quality copper foil production.
Filtration and Purification Systems: Electrolyte solutions need to be continuously filtered and purified to maintain the desired chemical composition, remove impurities, and ensure consistent plating quality.
Cleaning and Pre-treatment Equipment: Before plating, the substrate material needs to undergo cleaning and surface preparation to ensure proper adhesion of the copper layer. This may involve degreasing, etching, and surface activation processes.
Drying and Finishing Equipment: After the copper is deposited onto the substrate, it goes through drying and finishing processes to remove excess moisture, smoothen the surface, and achieve the desired thickness and quality standards.

Electrolytic Copper Foil Equipment System include: high efficiency copper dissolution tank,copper foil anode,titanium anode tank,copper foil surface treatment machine,titanium cathode drum,electrolytic copper foil production machine,electrolytic copper foil production machine.